
The registration for Eurokarst 2024 is a two-step process, to be performed at the CONGRESS REGISTRATION webpage.

Firstly, you have to register yourself as participant through the SCIENCESCONF platform.

Use your username and password if you are still registered to the platform (e.g. you have submitted an abstract as corresponding author).

In the right menu, select “my registration” and proceed filling the form with your data, find the appropriate registration fee category, select for the field trip you prefere, and finally indicate your participation to one of the pre-congress courses, if you are interested in. 

After registration, in the same CONGRESS REGISTRATION webpage, you can find the payment procedure.

Select the buttons related to your choices (fee category, gala dinner, pre-congress courses) and you will see your cart with the cost of your options.

Push the PayPal logo and you will be redirected to the payment website, where you can proceed paying by a PayPal account, or by a credit or debit card. Complete your payment with your personal data and address, and proceed with the payment. You will receive an email with payment details. The payment will be addressed to the bank account of the co-organizer IAH Italian Chapter.

You can pay with a credit/debit card with your name, but you can use also a credit/debit card with a different name (e.g. your department); in this case, please remember to fill with your personal detail the address field, to allow us to link the payment with your name.

The registration process will be successfully closed only after the payment.

At the end of the payment process, do not worry if you will be not redirected to the Eurokarst webpage. You will receive as proof of payment an email with your details.